Hans Gijsen

E-BOOK The rocker and the bend





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This book provides an overview of the properties of a competition skate, in particular the competition skate for long track speedskating. The author shows through drawings, formulas and calculations what happens when the skate is ridden, and how to influence this to achieve a better technique and better results. The rocker, the bend, the dimensions, material properties, deformation by actingforces and the origin of these forces are some of the many topics that are covered in the book.

Hans Gijsen is researcher on the properties of competition skates for the purpose to improve them. He is material expert for various Dutch and international speed skaters. He bends, rockers and sharpens their blades, using the motto: “A good competition blade has to be as carefully tuned as a Formula 1 racing car.”

“At present, there are no comparable books containing such theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of modern skating materials. This book clearly shows how skating technique in collaboration with the development of modern skates help to overcome barriers.”
Kosta Poltavets, former skating coach Russian Olympic team, now team NextGen in Holland

“For every skater, newbie to pro, the material is always an important issue. A lot of experiments are done, trying out what others recommended, looking for the right ‘feel’. The theoretical background was hard to find, but the publishing of this book might change things. During years of sharpening, bending and rockering, Gijsen gathered a lot of experience, and where most skaters base their trust on ‘feeling’ and standard values, he has never been satisfied with that. Extensive testing and analyzing have led to numerous results. Step by step, Gijsen deals with the properties of the material and shows how rocker and bend of the clap skate work.”
Sjors Leek, on www.schaatsen.nl, the Royal Dutch Skating Federation website

“Never encountered information this specific and detailed before. I am going to read it all.”
Diederik Hol, owner of Cadomotus skates


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